On 10/7/05, Lethalman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok we have the following roles (-> means inherit):
> user
> user.vote_polls -> user
> user.all -> user, user.vote_polls
> admin -> user.all
> admin.view_polls -> admin
> admin.edit_polls -> admin.view_polls
> admin.del_polls -> admin.view_polls
> admin.super -> admin, admin.view_polls, admin.del_polls

The inheritance aspect is interesting, but I don't think I like the
mixing up of roles and permissions. Creating a UI that helps ensure
that the right thing is done seems like it may be tricky.

That said, this does allow for a succinct representation of the
permissions. The more "traditional" roles/permissions way is something

User role has vote_polls permiss
Admin role has view_polls
Superadmin role has del_polls, edit_polls

And then a user would have some combination of those roles.

It just seems to me that the traditional way prevents does not do as
much permission granting implicitly. Particularly with security, it
should be very clear to an administrator what someone is allowed to do
and why.


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