> may be -f is better as it search for a larger pool but since I only
> need those needed by TurboGears, -i is enough for me, so long it is
> properly maintained on TurboGear's index :-)

-f tells easy_install to read the specified page for any links on it,
while -i tells TurboGears to do all PyPI lookups using the specified
page as a base URL.  The difference is that -i is going to make
easy_install try to look up URLs like
'http://www.turbogears.org/download/index.html/RuleDispatch/', which of
course won't work.  It will then fall back to the plain URL, so it's
basically just a really wasteful way of doing the same thing as -f in
this case.  :)

The idea of -i is for if you run your own version of PyPI, or if the
PyPI URL changes between releases of setuptools and you need to
override its default.  The -f option, on the other hand, is for reading
user-provided link pages, such as the TurboGears download page.

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