At 11:26 AM 10/31/2005 -0800, Bob Ippolito wrote:

On Oct 31, 2005, at 11:11 AM, SuperJared wrote:

When attempting to check out TG:

Fetching external item into 'turbogears/thirdparty/sqlobject/ ez_setup'
svn: Unknown hostname ''

Is anyone able to resolve that host?

Looks like his DNS is down, but it appears that is the
correct IP address.  If you toss that in your hosts file or
equivalent you might be able to do it.

I think I've got the DNS problem fixed, at least temporarily. Unfortunately two of the three DNS servers for the domain don't have any power backup and are down due to hurricane Wilma. The third was refusing to serve the slaved, out-of-date zone file, so I've changed it to be the master for now.

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