Kevin Dangoor wrote:
> On 11/3/05, Phillip J. Eby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > (Just to be clear, the warning above is in this specific case harmless,
> > so you don't need to upgrade setuptools or do any other steps I've
> > listed here unless you just want to get rid of the warning.  However,
> > you should not assume that every similar conflict warning is harmless!
> > It's only this specific message which I've investigated and reproduced,
> > that is a false alarm.)
> Also of note is that Ian Bicking has corrected this for the next
> release of Paste.

And while we're speaking of next-gen features, I've just made the
'develop' command in subversion take all the same options as
easy_install, and inherit the easy_install settings from any
configuration files.  So if you set e.g.:

  find_links =

in setup.cfg, then " develop" will use this option.  Or you can
use -f with develop, etc.

Anyway, I seem to recall you wanting something like that.  Enjoy.

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