Hi Liza,

Glad to hear that your project has gone well! If it's going to be
publicly available, I'm sure we'd all love to hear more about it when
it launches.

If this is a MySQL-related issue, I wonder if it would make sense to
change SQLObject's MysqlConnection to detect if the underlying DBAPI
connection has gone away and do something about it. The concern I'd
have there is you'd get really weird behavior if the connection goes
away while you're in the middle of a transaction.

TurboGears knows if you're using a transaction or not, so we might be
able to make a more intelligent decision about it in

I've seen the MySQL connection drops previously when using Java,
though I think the Java JDBC driver for mysql had an ?autoReconnect


On 11/17/05, Liza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone!  I'm about to release an alpha version of my TurboGears project
> to a client.  Working with the framework has been a complete joy and my
> coworkers are amazed at how quickly I've been able to do the development.
>  I have one small item I need to fix before I can let the client loose: my
> MySQL connection goes stale due to inactivity every night.  I've read the
> relevant questions on the SQLObject list [1] but those posts are pretty old
> and I can't figure out how to apply those solutions in a TurboGears context.
>  Has anyone else encountered this issue and dealt with it?
>  Thanks!
>  --Liza
>  [1]
> http://webwareforpython.org/archives/message/20040422.153550.0d00297e.en.html
>  --
>  Liza Daly
>  Senior Software Engineer
>  http://www.ifactory.com/

Kevin Dangoor
Author of the Zesty News RSS newsreader

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