On Thu, 2005-11-17 at 12:28 -0500, Kevin Dangoor wrote:
> Unfortunately, it really needs to use the hub that's in use by the
> model classes... from a random model.py:
> __connection__ = AutoConnectHub()
> # (or PackageHub)
> class Foo(SQLObject):
>     ...
> In a multi-application world, it'll be possible to have different
> parts of a site going to different databases. that won't be the common
> case, though.
> Sticking to the common case, we just need a nice way to get ahold of
> the hub in question. There are probably a small handful of ways we
> could find the model module and get the hub from it. Unfortunately,
> I'm out of time for exploring that now, and I'll be offline for a
> while. I hope I'll be able to get back online at least briefly later
> today...

Kevin, I was worried that I might have to get the hub from the model.  I
would definitely like to support the multiple-apps case if at all

I have to take off as well, I'll look into this more Sunday when I get


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