You and your "theories". I made sure that I deleted and re-downloaded, upgraded setup tools, then did the upgrade. Should I just
run this?

easy_install -U cherrypy

(I'm not used to it so I'm probably wrong...)

On 12/6/05, Kevin Dangoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12/6/05, Jared Kuolt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Just like the title says. Going from 0.8a4 to 0.8a5 didn't upgrade CherryPy:
> The from 0.8a5 has this:
>         "CherryPy >= 2.1.0, != 2.1.0-rc2, != 2.1.0-rc1, != 2.1.0-beta",
> (For those of you tuning in to our already-in-progress show, I
> happened to notice that Jared's site had CP 2.1.0-rc2.)
> So, I would've expected easy_install to go hunting for a version of CP
> other than the installed version.
> Kevin


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