Krys Wilken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What makes a slug field interesting is the validation/auto text processing.

I didn't get why you want to validate this.

> Hmm... Now that I am thinking of it, a slug could be viewed simply as a
> regexp text processing of another given field.  As such, a generic
> function could slugify any given text. (Perhaps chopping it off after a
> certain upper limit.)

How about an MD5 or SHA1 or some other hash from any one or two fields (one
can be a date, for example)?

> That function is something that TG could provide and it would be generic
> enough to be applied to any StringCol field in any model.

Just StringCols?  Why not UnicodeCol, IntCol, etc.? 

> Anyway, I'm just typing as I'm thinking.  I don't have the time to
> implement this idea, so I am throwing it out there for anyone to run with.

myinstance.mySlug = md5.md5(myinstance.myCol).hexdigest()  ?

>>> import md5
>>> slug = md5.md5('this is a test').hexdigest()
>>> slug
>>> slug = md5.md5('1').hexdigest()
>>> slug
>>> slug = md5.md5('áéíóúçã').hexdigest()
>>> slug
>>> import datetime
>>> slug = md5.md5(str(
>>> slug

Be seeing you,
Jorge Godoy      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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