m h wrote:
> Hmmm, I commented out the requirement for json in setup.py and ran
> "python setup.py develop" again.  It's failing on Kid now with a
> Sandbox violation.

Kid tries to import its dependencies in its setup script, before
installation has even occurred.  This is, uh, well, seriously broken,
because by definition your package isn't ready to run if isn't
installed yet, and its dependencies aren't going to be there.  It would
be good if someone could pass that info along to the Kid maintainers.

Kid's setup script tries to import kid during setup in order to find
out what version it is and some other stuff.  There's a safer, saner
way to do that, though; the recently-added PyPI project "networkx" has
a good example in its setup script using execfile() instead of import
in order to get at that data without actually importing the package and
its dependencies.

Anyway, I do plan a workaround for the issue that's creating the
sandbox violation in Kid, but there's no way for me to work around the
essential brokenness of trying to import dependencies before they're
installed.  :(

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