Having checked after dinner I've found that I'm right! That's a
surprise for me ;)

Here's the doc on it:

On 12/8/05, Jared Kuolt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I believe its something like
> cherrypy.response.headerMap['Content-Type'] that you can set.
> On 12/8/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I'm using turbogears as a front-end to an XML db.  I want to be able to
> > allow users to submit a query to my DB with the results of the XPath
> > query transformed by an XSLT template of their choosing and have the
> > results displayed to them.  The problem is that the XSLT templates that
> > I allow can return JSON, XML, HTML, or plain text.  All of the examples
> > I have seen set the MIME type of the data returned using decorators,
> > which won't really work for what I have envisioned.  Is there a way to
> > dynamically set the return type for a method/function?
> >
> >
> --


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