On Dec 12, 2005, at 10:09 AM, Kevin Dangoor wrote:

I think my vote at this point would be:

- in a "square space" use the gold G, beveled letter emblem
- when writing the text "TurboGears", use the style with the cog O-G,
but be sure to the same G shape as the emblem
- use metal accents as differentiation from the others out there

I'm not certain if point 1 and 2 work together or not. I'd have to see
it more in context to know for sure...

I think it does even though the styles of the bigger, "more serious" companies don't ever show their emblem without the text version. In most cases, the text version of their company name *is* or is the major part of the logo (fedex, att, dell, adm, google) [1] -- with the notable exceptions being apple, mcdonalds, firefox and others [2].

Thanks for the terrific work!

Yes!  This is all very good!


[1] < http://www.fedex.com/ag/ebusiness/brand/guidelines.html?link=4 >
    < http://www.att.com/brand/ >
    < http://www.dell.com >
< http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:xCoLs7OlXw0J:admworld.com/ pdf/logo_guidelines.pdf >
    < http://www.google.com/press/images.html >

[2] < http://www.apple.com >
    < http://www.mcdonalds.com/corp/news/media/multi/logos.html >
    < http://www.mozilla.com/firefox >

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