> After following the form and widget threads for a while, I finally did
> a little experimental hacking today, and found a few little itches --
> that is, small annoyances that can be solved with a little localized
> application of force. :)

A little localized application of force is fine, and I'm sure there
are *many* nits with the current implementation. My concern is to make
sure there's no glaring "structural" errors. I wouldn't want to create
the Tacoma Narrows Widgets:

> Here are the things that bugged me today --
> * Controllers want a handle into cherrypy.request. The base controller
> class ought to grab one, so that any controller method can see the
> request in self.request. This helps with unit testing (no need to mock
> a cherrypy module just to mock the request) -- and generally, it makes
> sense to me to put things near where they are going to be used.

I don't really mock the cherrypy package for testing. I just toss in a
fake request. Adding a self.request reference to the controller seems
reasonable for convenience's sake. Can you open a ticket for that?

> * If there are validation errors, _execute_func (in
> turbogears/controllers.py -- part of the implementation of expose)
> should pass them to the function it's executing. Having to go out and
> find them via cherrypy.request (or even self.request) is bad for a
> number of reasons. It makes isolated testing more difficult: you can't
> test your method's error handling just by passing errors to it, you
> have to set up some other object with a property with a magic name. It
> obscures the flow of data, and makes the code harder to read. Much
> better, IMO, would be to have _execute_func add (say) validation_errors
> to the call to func() when (and only when) errors exist.

The problem with this is that all of your functions would either have
to have **kw or specifically have a validation_errors parameter. Other
ideas that have been discussed are to call another method (if
available) to handle errors. (yourmethodname_error).

We can also add a property for self.form_errors, if that makes people happy.

> * TableForm... isn't. It's not a form, or a table, that is, but a
> layout widget. It is a container for other widgets that draws them
> inside of a particular view. I think it needs a rename and a bit of
> refactoring to express  more clearly the flexibility that it has.

Agreed, to a point. It's always been my intention to pull the bulk of
the code out of that class... but, in the end, it's a widget that
renders out a form that is laid out table-style. Putting "Widget" in
all of the widget names would be redundant, since they're already in
the widget package. Thus, TableForm is still a fine name for the final
object that gives you a form with the fields laid out in a table...
but the code should definitely be pulled out of there and put in a
better place.

> In case these things are troubling you all too, I'll add tickets and
> submit patches for each as soon as I have net access from the same
> machine as I have access to my code. That will probably be a few days
> from now. Ah, vacation! :)

Tickets are cool. patches even better!

Thanks! (And thanks for nose! it keeps getting better and nicer to use...)

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