If you're running in development mode which is the default when you
run python projectname-start.py, make sure your dev.cfg has it's
threadpool set higher than 1.

On 1/7/06, agreif <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I experienced the following problem with TG 08a5 and CherryPy 2.1.0 on
> Linux:
> while one client uploads a file, all other requests are blocked until
> the the upload is finished.
> Is there a way to make fileuploading multiuser capable?
> my controller looks like this:
>     @turbogears.expose()
>     def upload(self, myFile, folderName):
>         folderPath = util.getUploadFolderPath(folder=folderName)
>         filePath = os.path.join(folderPath,  myFile.filename)
>         fileHandle = open(filePath, 'a')
>         while True:
>             data = myFile.file.read(8192)
>             if not data:
>                 break
>             fileHandle.write(data)
>         fileHandle.close()
>         return self.uploadForm(folderName=folderName)
> cheers,
> Alex.

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