Cliff Wells wrote:
> nerkles wrote:
> > True it's a programming error, but it wouldn't hurt anything to have
> > quickstart do an "idiot-check" on the name you give it. There are a lot
> > of modules/components in Python, and quite a few components to TG
> > itself that a new user/developer might not remember or even know
> > about--either somebody new to Python and/or to TG. There will probably
> > be a lot of people who are learning Python and TG at the same time.
> >
> > It would be helpful for the overall user experience if the thing called
> > "quickstart" prevents you from creating a mess like that your first
> > time out. Imagine a stream of errors being your first taste of TG! Most
> > people would give up on it right then. And it wouldn't be difficult to
> > implement.
> >
> >
> Perhaps a simple:
> try:
>     p = __import__(projectname)
>     assert False, "That name is already taken by an installed module"
> except ImportError:
>     pass

Actually, it would need to be a bit more sophisticated than that, since
it's a clash in project names, not module names that was the issue
here.  Something like:

  env = pkg_resources.Environment()
  if projectname in env:
     print projectname," is already in use by",
     for dist in env[projectname]:
         print dist; break

Also, it'd be good to check PyPI for a matching name registration, but
that's a bit more complex.  The setuptools.package_index module can do
it fairly easily, but it's slow due to needing to read the entire index
in order to do case-insensitive matching.  And of course it requires
internet access.

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