> "my time has a cost and optimisation often buys less performance than,
> say, a Dell SC1425"
> Unfortunatly my time is not worth a IBM 64way mainframe (or I would be
> one happy hacker). Bigger machines help but as my comment said before
> this will give you only linear optimization at some point you will need
> _exponential_ optmizaitions. This also depends on the complexity of the
> data relationships that your application needs. You need a machine that
> is 64 times faster buy

Nah mate you miss my point! Not bigger machines, *more* machines. A Dell 
SC1425 is a pretty low-end piece of kit, the idea is you use multiple 

Let's say you have an application that is currently running at 100% 
above acceptable capacity. You can solve this problem in basically four 

1. Buy hardware that is twice as powerful
2. Perform optimisation, caching - etc.
3. A combination of the 1) and 2)
4. Buy another similar server and run them both

In my experience, 4) is always the cheapest option, and requires less 
hassle than 2) and 3) (and less hassle is the TG way!). The trick is to 
make option 4 possible by asking questions like "What will happen if I 
use two app or database servers - or both" early on in the build 
process. I do this for everything and it's served me right so far :-) 
Part of my personal PHP standard library is some wrappers around session 
management and database handling that means:

1) All my session data is stored in the database, which means from then 
on I can implement *all* my persistent storage in an RDBMS.

2) My database "reads" and my database "writes" are separated and 
controllable, so if we need to add replication it's possible to direct 
all writes to the master server and balance reads between the slaves. 
(Yes I said there are alternatives to the master/slave setup, but in web 
apps which are mostly read-heavy it's a pretty good solution anyway).


PS. If you're interested in the "writing to one place" problem, you 
should look m/custer 
We have our own solution, but in general it's a pretty awesome setup for 
database scaling through multiple servers.

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