Either add it to func within (inner) require(), or to the result of 

   newfunc = decorator(require)(fn)
   newfunc._require = ...
   return newfunc


Jeff Watkins wrote:
> Simon, I've been trying to add this feature and it doesn't seem to work 
> correctly. The require decorator is presently defined as:
> def require(predicate, obj=None):
>     '''
>     Function decorator that checks whether the current user is a member 
> of the
>     groups specified and has the permissions required.
>     '''
>     def entangle(fn):
>         def require(func, self, *args, **kwargs):
>             try:
>                 errors= []
>                 if predicate is None or \
>                    predicate.eval_with_object(current, errors):
>                    return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
>             except IdentityException, e:
>                 errors= [str(e)]
>             raise IdentityFailure(errors)
>         return decorator(require)(fn)
>     return entangle
> I've tried adding a _require attribute to entangle or the internal 
> require, but in neither case is it visible as part of the decorated 
> method. The magic seems to have failed. Any idea what I might be doing 
> wrong?
> On 18 Feb, 2006, at 5:38 am, Simon Belak wrote:
>> Jeff Watkins wrote:
>>> Wow. That's a really interesting idea. I could easily expose the 
>>> permission predicate that the require decorator is using, however, I 
>>> don't think that would work, because later decorators would hide that 
>>> information.
>>> Anyone with deeper Python-fu who'd like to make a suggestion?
>> Depends how you intend to expose it. It should work if you make it an 
>> attribute (as long as everyone is using "well behaved" decorators).
>> We can of curse also tweak the decorator library if you have any special 
>> needs (preferably in a way useful to others as well).
>> Cheers,
>> Simon
>> >>

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