On 23/04/2006, at 18:13, BJörn Lindqvist wrote:

>> Non-generic function approach:
>> def do_something(obj):
>>  if instance(obj, basestring):
>>  do_something_with_string(obj)
>>  if instance(obj, int):
>>  do_something_with_int(obj)
>>  else:
>>  do_something_default(obj)
>> Generic-function approach:
>> @generic()
>> def do_something(obj):
>>  """Does something fancy with obj"""
>> @do_something.when("isinstance(obj, basestring)")
>> def do_something_with_string(obj)
>>  ....
>> @do_something.when("isinstance(obj, int)")
>> def do_something_with_int(obj)
>>  ....
>> @do_something.when(default)
>> def do_something_default(obj)
>>  ....
>> As you can see, the generic function approach makes you write even  
>> more.
> So you triple the length of the code.

Yep, for simple things the KISS maxim should be applied.
>> However, the biggest benefit, as I see it, is that these rules can be
>> defined anywhere (read: external modules), which basically aids in
>> manteinability because you don't need to touch the original module  
>> where the
>> function is defined when you need to tweak it's behavior. Oh, I  
>> should also
> So with one call:
> jsonify(someobj)
> You have to look at code all over place to find out what it really
> does? Because there can be some external module which due to the
> coolness of generic functions are allowed to define additional rules.

Or use a debugger
>> mention that there's a much smarter algorithm than me taking care of
>> balancing the decision tree on the fly so it remains as efficient as
>> possible.
> Premature optimization.

Ok, and when you have 1500 rules? Or when you wan to change the rules  
for a different client's install?

>> Also I should note that you don't *need* to undersand how they  
>> work in order
>> to *use* them. What can be easier to explain to users than: "To  
>> get the JSON
>> representation of A do jsonify(A)"? Of course, to actually define  
>> new rules
>> you have to study them a bit, but come on, I'm not that smart and  
>> I can make
>> use of them given my limited experience.
> Yes and when something goes wrong you have to understand them. And
> when someone asks "But Alberto, what DOES jsonfiy(A) do?" that is not
> an easy question to answer.

import pdb

>> You too make good use of this when you define rules in  
>> soprovider.py to
>> jsonify TG_User, etc. How would you have liked to hack on a long  
>> list of
> I think it is bad use IMHO. The code is:
> def jsonify_group(obj):
>     result = jsonify_sqlobject( obj )
>     result["users"]= jsonify( [u.user_name for u in obj.users] )
>     result["permissions"]= jsonify( [p.permission_name for p in
> obj.permissions] )
>     return result
> jsonify_group = jsonify.when('isinstance(obj, TG_Group)') 
> (jsonify_group)
> Why isn't it instead:
> class TG_Group(InheritableSQLObject):
>     def __json__(self):
>         result = jsonify_sqlobject( obj )
>         result["users"]= jsonify( [u.user_name for u in obj.users] )
>         result["permissions"]= jsonify( [p.permission_name for p in
> obj.permissions] )
>         return result

Actually that example would work by grace of  
jsonify.jsonify_explicit, flexibility...

Oh, and you might want to jsonify objects built from classes you  
cannot directly modify, like from an C extension. Ok, ok.. you can  
wrap that C extension's object and provide the __json__ method  
yourself... but I *personally* would favor writing a new rule to  
overload a generic function. A matter of taste I guess...

>> "elifs" inside an external egg (TurboJSON) making sure it's always  
>> up to
>> date, doesn't introduce dead branches and doesn't conflict with  
>> previous
> With a normal simple if-elif dispatch, it wouldn't have to be an
> external module. It would be 30 lines of Python code in a file named
> jsonify.py. So yeah, I'd definitely prefer to hack in that file over
> the complicated dispatch thingy.

Ok, now you want to distribute your project... with a hacked version  
of dependency Y which obliges your users to have Y and Y' on their  
systems with the most probably headaches they'll experience.

>> rules? Not to mention that "extenders" of your identity classes  
>> can write
>> more specific rules, just below their subclasses, to jsonify them  
>> in a
>> different manner...
> Why can't they just override __json__()?

C extension example above.

>> The bottom line is that I'm not a good judge here, I'm now biased and
>> blinded by they're beauty, sorry but I cannot agree with you  
>> here... ;) The
>> importance generic functions are getting in TG is a plus for me...
> Neither am I, but I still like to complain about them. :) They cause
> me pain when I try to send utf8 encoded strings through JSON.

No problem, I still like to defend them ;)

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