Tim Lesher wrote:
> On 4/23/06, Simon Belak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>      1) type dispatch (also called multiple dispatch and overloading)
>>          A function is selected depending on types of arguments passed.
>>          Examples: C, Py3k?, PyProtocols.dispatch.on
> I think you meant to say "C++", not "C".

Yes, of course.

> In any evernt, your "primer" is rather lopsided. If your goal is
> really education rather than advocacy, you'd note the drawbacks of
> using generics. There are more than one, and if you really understand
> generics, then you can probably enumerate them.

Yes, there are, but all are mostly implementation specific.

> To me, the biggest drawback is their resistance to static analysis
> (the human kind!). True, Python already has features that make static
> analysis difficult, but there's no reason to make the problem worse if
> you don't have to.

I assume we are talking about border cases where function resolution 
order is not clear. Yes, it is harder, however why would you want to do 
static human analysis in a dynamic language? Fire up an interpreter 
prompt and  "experiment".


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