jvanasco wrote:
> Are you sure that truncation is done in sqlobject?  what database are
> you using?  if its mysql, chances are the truncation happened there (
> you can set it to use 'traditional sql' to give you warnings on that if
> you're running mysql5+)  mysql is awful about that.
> Aside from that, I think the issue is more of a problem with Unicode --
> unicode doesn't store every charcter with the same required space (
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8 ).  The ascii strings aren't
> re-encoded for legacy support -- so if you wanted a UnicodeCol of 100
> characters , you'd really have to set the schema to be ( 100 x Max
> Storage Requirement for UTF Version )

Most probably an useless reply but I've just found this link today
regarding python and unicode:



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