On May 1, 2006, at 10:28 AM, Adam Jones wrote:

> I guess the problem I have with this is that normally I get XML from
> someone else, I build databases myself. In that I know exactly what  
> the
> spec is for the database, and unlike XML the absence of data in a
> database column does not also remove it from my schema example. That
> said this would be very useful for authoring.
> What I would like to see is something that can make working with
> existing XML easier. I would like to be able to point some code at an
> xml file and give it an xpath query in exchange for some objects
> representing the result, and use the class' attributes to access/ 
> change
> values from the file.

That's more or less what ElementTree gives you, and you already have  
it if you are using TurboGears since Kid depends on it.


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