Evan Rosson wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'd like to create a tool to help with SQLAlchemy schema migration a
> bit. I've been interested in this for a while now (ie. I'm not just
> blindly copying a suggestion from this mailing list) - I'm working on a
> TG project which I know will have a good number of database changes
> later on (lots of small changes, mostly), and I need a way to manage
> that. SQLAlchemy fits many other requirements for my project, but lacks
> a tool to manage schema changes; I've been looking into how I'd make a
> good schema migration tool - seems like a good candidate for my SoC
> project.
> I've made good progress on my proposal, though it's not done just yet.
> I think I've got a pretty good plan so far, but more info on how this
> has been done before would be helpful. So, my question: has anyone out
> there have a schema migration tool they've used and really liked?
> I'm familiar with these:
> - SQLObject's versioning:
> http://sqlobject.org/sqlobject-admin.html#versioning-upgrading
> - Rails' migration:
> http://api.rubyonrails.com/classes/ActiveRecord/Migration.html
> - Writing migration scripts by hand (the "default" way to do things,
> with no tool)
> Anyone out there used something good for this that I haven't looked
> into?


There are also a lot of info here:


Good luck!


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