Some links... just in the case you haven't catched them:


Robin Haswell wrote:
> Hey guys
> Let's face it, every application on the web these days need some form of
> search, and as far as I can see, TG + SO/any ORM is going to make that
> tricky.
> So I was wondering, should we be thinking about a portable way of
> providing search for TG apps? Or at least, I think we should provide an
> integration method for something which is quite easily obtainable, if
> not shipped with TG itself.
> I think we have at least two options:
> 1. PyLucene (
> Pros
> ----
> * Stable, well-maintained project
> * Core engine used in a billion different things
> * Lots of packages
> Cons
> ----
> * Appears to be a Java hack
> * Stems from a Java project
> * Did I mention Java?
> * Looks a bit heavyweight
> 2. XapWrap (
> Pros
> ----
> * Looks quite simple to use
> * Very Pythonic
> * Under active development
> * Cool name
> Cons
> ----
> * Somewhat immature at the moment
> * Not full-featured (eg no stemming - do we care?)
> * Current documentation appears to consist of a few docstrings
> Personally I would prefer XapWrap, however I need a search engine right
> now and for internal reasons I'm going to give PyLucene a spin. I'll
> report back what I think of it.
> Anyway that's my $0.02 - I hope we can have a good discussion about this.
> -Rob

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