MAC addresses don't leave the LAN.

You have two exactly three options:
1. Stick all of the state in the URL (or a session ID).
2. Keep all of your state (or a session id) in forms and make sure
that every link is a form submit (using GET instead of POST would be
an "ugly" variant of 1).
3. Stick state or a session id in a cookie.

Pick one. There aren't any other options.


On 10/8/06, Adam Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If one of the project's preconditions is disallowing cookies the only
> other options I can think of are getting the MAC address, having your
> location as an option when signing in, or moving the location to tabs
> inside the program.
> The MAC address solution would be ... interesting. It might be doable
> with a cherrypy filter right when the request is received. The problem
> is that a lot of networks use proxy servers or NAT routers. In either
> of those cases different systems on the network would be
> indistinguishable from each other.
> My suggestion would be to just use a cookie, at the least just to store
> previous computer/location selections.
> -Adam
> >

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