On 10/30/06, Kevin Dangoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tomorrow (Halloween) is that last day to submit talk proposals for
> PyCon 2007 (in Dallas)! It's a great event, and I'd certainly
> recommend it. Good crowd to hang around with lots of smart people who
> know all kinds of stuff. You won't believe the things you learn just
> by being in the same room as Bob Ippolito. Or Phillip Eby. Or Ian
> Bicking. If we're lucky, the elusive but wonderfully prolific Mike
> Bayer might be in attendance. So, hopefully some folks will propose
> talks, but it would be good for you to at least be there!

Actually I'm not sure I'll be at PyCon 07. Not a huge fan of the new
venue and I haven't submitted any proposals this year.


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