On 11/2/06, Diez B. Roggisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to build a nice widget-wrapper around the YUI-component lib.
> Things are nice and smooth except for one thing: the components can get
> effects as arguments, basically a constructor and some arguments.
> Now this is what the generated JS looks like:
> resizepanelwin = new YAHOO.widget.Panel("resizepanelwin",
> {"visible": false,
>   "effect": {"duration": 0.25, "effect":
> "YAHOO.widget.ContainerEffect.FADE"},
> "constraintoviewport": true,
> "draggable": true, "width": "23em",
> "modal": false, "close": true,
> "underlay": "none", "fixedcenter": true} );
> as you can see, the effect.effect is a string. Yet it should be rendered
> without quotes, so that the eval will evaluate it to the
> constructor/callable.
> Any suggestion on how to make that happen?

You don't, that's not JSON. You need to process it in JavaScript to
get the objects you want.

result.effect.effect = eval(result.effect.effect);


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