On 5/6/07, TiNo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is the no_trans thingie the solution?

Yes.  You should change your dburi to: notrans_sqlite:///devdata.sqlite

> Won't we loose the option to transitions this way?

I think you mean transactions, and no.  If you switch to an RDBMS
that supports transactions then simply changing your dburi will enable
transactions again.  There's nothing you need to do in your code to
allow for TG's implicit transactions to work.

> Is there a real patch, because the problem still exists without it.

There is no patch.  SQLite does not support transactions, period.
That's the reason for starting your dburi with `notrans_`.


Lee McFadden

blog: http://www.splee.co.uk
work: http://fireflisystems.com
skype: fireflisystems

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