I was chatting with one of the Maven guys at ApacheCon and was told
that although it is early days they have done some C++ projects.
Although it might be atypical for a C++ project, it may make the
integration with the Java project easier (e.g. when we want to host
C++ components in Java or Java one in C++).

It might be worth exploring that approach. If it doesn't play out my
(uninformed) opinion is that autoconf/automake is the most used


On 1/19/06, Pete Robbins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The current cpp SDO and SCA were developed using MS Visual Studio on Windows
> and eclipse + CDT on Linux. For a command line build on linux we simply
> created a shell script that used the makefiles generated by the CDT managed
> make.
> I would like to create a more robust and portable build environment for the
> cpp code and would welcome some guidance on what the "best" build style is
> for C++.
> Options:
> 1) Handcrafted Makefiles
> 2) Use Autotools (autoconf/automake)
> 3) Eclipse + CDT only
> 4) Ant + cpptasks
> 5) ???
> Does Maven help with any of these?
> Any help or opinions would be greatly appreciated before I set off down the
> wrong path ;-)
> Pete

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