Jim Marino wrote:

On Mar 24, 2006, at 4:21 PM, Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Jim Marino wrote:


Thanks Frank for answering these questions. I have a few more that maybe you or others could offer opinions on.

On Mar 24, 2006, at 12:10 PM, Frank Budinsky wrote:

I don't know much about how the sca properties are configured, but I'll
try to answer your questions anyway.

- As a user what steps do I need to take to provide custom data
values for config properties? In a previous post, I listed an example
of a concrete "Foo" class

Option 1)

Provide an XML schema completxType definition for the Type and let the
generator gen the impl including the deserialization support. In the
future, we plan to also let you provide a Java interface (with
annotations, if necessary) to define the type, and then have the
implementation class generated for you.

The SDO generator will essentially generate the same Foo class that you
showed in the other thread, just with the addition of a base class
(DataObjectBase), and some get/set method overrides that implement
efficient switch-based reflective accessors - used by the generic XML
serializer/deserializer. If we also provide an option to generated a
loader, in the future, we could also provide an option to supress the
generation of the reflective accessors. The resulting class would no
longer be an SDO object in this case - but it would be easy to do as a
value-add feature in our generator (i.e., a -generateSimpleBean option).

Option 2)

Write the Foo implementation class yourself (or maybe generate it with
some other technology - like JAXB) and then simply register it as a
DataType with SDO. Remember that not all objects in an SDO model need to be DataObjects. If you want non-DataObjects, they're modeled as DataTypes,
and you need to provide create from and convert to String methods for

I think option two is the more appealing one for applications developers. I read option 1 to require a schema, which we may be able to do for extensions, but is a bit much to ask application developers to produce.

Jim, I'd like to initiate a new thread of discussion on property types and property configuration, because I think that you're bringing up very good and interesting points here and we're going to have to explore that space, which is not really covered by the SCA spec at the moment.

I agree with you that option two is much more appealing to (Java) application developers. If I'm a Java developer writing POJO components I probably just want to write Java classes for my complex properties, I don't want to write an XMLSchema at all. On the other hand, if I'm a BPEL developer, or writing XSLT components for example, chances are that I'll actually prefer to write an XMLSchema. I think we need to support both use cases / populations of developers, like we do for service interfaces with Java interfaces and WSDL portTypes. I'm also starting to think that this should even be more extensible. Let's say I'm writing a Javascript component, a C++ component, or a Ruby component - just using Ruby as an example here, I don't have a Ruby component container in the back of my pocket :), will I want to define my property types as Java classes? as XMLSchema types? I'm not sure... I'd probably prefer to use the same programming language I'm using to implement my component.

So we have a lot to explore here, and I think that all these questions are really about finding the right programming model for defining and configuring properties of SCA components written in various languages. We also need to add another dimension to that. First we have to deal with the Java developer, the BPEL developer, the XSLT developer, the JavaScript developer etc. then we also have to deal with different data representations and binding technologies. For some languages, like BPEL for example, the data representation will probably be driven by what your BPEL engine expects, or for JavaScript what your JavaScript runtime/VM expects. For Java, we have multiple choices. Some people will want to use plain JavaBeans, others JAXB, others SDO, others ADB or XMLBeans etc. So again here, without even going into any implementation details of how to glue all these technologies together (and independent of whether or not we use our SDO databinding to load our SCDL files), we need to define how an SCA application developer, using Tuscany, will specify what form he wants for his properties...

I'm wondering if now if the question isn't a choice between Jeremy's approach and going with SDO ( or some other binding technology. Since we will need maximum extensibility to handle all of these different component types, It seems to me what we need is a "low-level" binding infrastructure that things like JAXB or SDO can plug into. Another way to view this would be the low-level infrastructure delegates to other binding technologies, which would allow us to support multiple binding solutions as opposed to just one at a time. This low-level infrastructure would be responsible for partially parsing the XML and delegating to a factories if necessary to instantiate property instances. I think this would allow for *multiple* binding frameworks as opposed to just one. Jeremy, do you think this is feesible and if so could you provide a sketch of how this would look in code?

I was explicitly trying to create a different thread of discussion here, on a different level. IMHO both the SDO based approach and Jeremy's StAX approach can be made extensible and support pluggable databindings and pluggable factories for properties. But again I was trying to initiate a discussion of the actual scenarios for using properties and requirements at the programming model level. The SDO vs StAX discussion is an interesting discussion, but a different one, and I'd prefer to continue it in its own thread, not this one.

Now back to the reality of the SCA 0.9 spec :) It currently only defines support for simple type properties and requires the type of a property to be expressed as an XML schema type. The <property> element is defined as follows: <property name="xs:NCName" type="xs:QName" many="xs:boolean"? default="xs:string"? required="xs:boolean"?/>* where xs:QName is the qualified name of an XML schema simple type.

Yes, this was an area left for further work due to time constraints.
Obviously we need to improve this, and maybe we can even provide some input into the spec with the work we are doing in Tuscany:

Yea, we definitely need to improve since that level of support is kind of lame.

- first define what it means to support complex type properties (what types are allowed? what about special Java collection types, can you have pointers between properties etc.) - decide if we want to use a type system that is independent of a component implementation language, or tie the types of properties to the component implementation language

My opinion here is we want to go the language-specific route since we need to make working with properties natural to the implementation language. I think the most important goal of property configuration is to configuration points of variability on a specific implementation, not as a general representation of configuration data.
Yes, I agree with you for some use cases. If I'm going to write a component in language X, I'd like to define my property types in the same language X. On the other hand I can see other use cases (e.g. top down scenarios) where I'm going to define a component type without caring or even knowing about how it's going to be implemented. I'm not sure which implementation neutral form/language I'll want to use to define the component properties. Will I use XMLSchema? Any thoughts?

cover the scenario you first brought up where you just want Java classes and no schema at all
- cover the scenarios where you just want to use XML schemas
- define how an application developer chooses a databinding/representation
Jeremy, could you provide an outline of how the StAX work could enable this?
- define what happens when an application developer decides to mix in a single application multiple databinding technologies (or if that even makes sense at all...)

I think that makes sense based on the use case you brought up, e.g. a Java component that takes POJOs and a BPEL engine that only understands SDO.

I'm probably missing many more questions/items here :) I just wanted to initiate this discussion which I think is important. Any thoughts?

This is good - I think we're hammering out some important things even if the discussion gets heated at times :-)


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