Hi Geoff

When you talk about string objects do you mean instances of the ANSI string
class (basic_string) or is this a special SDO designed string class?

Also why is this an either/or? It would seem like a useful thing to have an
interface that allows string objects to be used but not sure I would want to
loose the ability to use C strings as well.


On 5/12/06, Geoffrey Winn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Much of the string data in SDO for C++ is handled as C style,
null-terminated arrays of characters. I'm trying to move that to a style
where most string data is represented as true string objects.

The painless (less painful) way to do that is to leave the externals alone
and to introduce string objects internally, converting between string
objects and C-style strings at the earliest convenient point when called
the last convenient point on return.

The alternative is to extend the public interface with extra methods that
take string objects as arguments rather than C-style strings. In this case
we would have to publicise a new string class as well.

Does anyone have any opinions on which of these is preferable (or any
alternatives)? We could of course make the internal only changes first and
add an extended public interface later.



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