"Edward Slattery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/07/2006 21:20:25:

> thankyou for that. The crash is something which we need to fix, and I will > apply your change asap. I guess it probably wouldnt stop a release, but if
> we are re-spinning for any other reason I will make sure its in there.
> I think with the SDOString it was intended that we put in place a cast
> operator so that current users of the const char* would be unaffected. Would > you consider directly casting the value to a (const char*) as an acceptable
> alternative?
Yes, that would be fine. As things stand I have to invoke c_str(), which is not so neat.
> You are right, I forgot to update the release version number - and it should
> be updated with the SDOString stuff . Will update that at the same time.

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