On Jul 31, 2006, at 11:42 PM, Jim Marino wrote:
An end user application developer could write some type of library that gets reused by different composites. We should have a mechanism that supports this without resorting to maven. I think we should have some type of resolver abstraction, one implementation being a maven downloader.

I agree.

We need an abstraction for "dependent artifact" and a way of locating and resolving them; using a Maven repository would be one concrete implementation of that abstraction.

There are a couple of other options we could also provide, based off of OSGi semantics:

1. Allow a jar to specify its dependencies using "pure" OSGi manifest entries when the composite is packaged as a bundle and deployed to an OSGI environment 2. Allow the SCDL to specify dependencies using OSGI semantics. These would then be "baked" down to whatever packaging the host environment supported, perhaps through a pre-deploy step 3.As part of #2, have a way to specify a maven bundle and have the pre-deployer pul it from maven and repackage it.

Generally I don't like pre-packagers but that may be the price people have to pay for deploying on host environments with problematic classloading semantics - e.g. J2EE app servers. In an OSGi or jar launcher environment, things should just work without a predeploy step.

These seem like alternatives. If the user wants to use OSGi semantics then this would be a way to support them. However, there are a lot of things out there that do not have OSGi manifests and we need to be able to support them two.

That's what #2 would be used for as it is not dependent on OSGi artifacts such as bundles. A SCDL artifact would specify the dependencies and they could be resolved to whatever physical packaging the host platform supports/

This seems like it can be implemented on top of a repository for OSGi artifacts or a repository of Maven artifacts - this sounds good.

Also, these only work if the composite is packaged as a bundle and I think that it's important to allow people to deploy composites that are simple XML SCDL files (no archive involved). That means we need a way in the SCDL to be able to specify what the dependencies are.

#2 could also work with a file system through some type of "custom resolver" mentioned above.

So the key here is the abstraction for artifact resolution. The interface I had proposed before was:
interface CompositeRepository {
    URL locate(String name);
URL locate(String groupId, String artifactId, String version, String identifier);

We probably need to extend this to capture the formal concept of an Artifact so I would recast this as:

class Artifact {
String group; // a conceptual grouping of artifacts such as publisher
    String name;        // the name of the artifact
    String version;     // the version of the artifact
String classifier; // a classifier such as hardware platform or language
    boolean optional;   // whether the artifact is required

class ResolvedArtifact extends Artifact {
URL url; // a URL where the artifact can be obtained (typically a file: URL) Collection<ResolvedArtifact> dependencies; // list of dependencies the artifact has

interface ArtifactRepository {
ResolvedArtifact resolve(String name); // lookup based on a simple string supplied by the user ResolvedArtifact resolve(Artifact artifact); // lookup based on explicit information

I think this is general enough to cover both Maven and OSGi artifact naming schemes (and hopefully more).


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