The DAS Java M2 Release Candidate 3 is available at :

Changes from DAS Java M2 - RC2

Changes from DAS Java M2 - RC1

 I have addressed most of issues from the feedback you guys gave me on
RC1, see thread below :

NOTE: I'm thinking to get a RC3a out soon, to address Jeremy's
comments, see thread below :

What's new in DAS Java M2

 DAS Core features

    - MySQL support
    - Static Data Objects
    - Dynamic root for static graphs
    - "Unique" attribute on relationships
    - Explicit ResultSet shape definition
    - Improved logging
    - Programmatic Configuration
    - Helper for empty SDO Graph
    - Convention over configuration
       - Column named "ID" is the PK
       - Column named "xxx_ID" is the FK to table "xxx"

 DAS Samples
    - Tomcat integration and automated DAS samples testing (htmlUnit)
    - DAS Samples now have all dependencies and source code inside the
sample war

 For detailed user documentation and feature descriptions, access Tuscany
DAS Wiki page

Please take a look at it and provide your feedback.

Luciano Resende

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