On 12/15/06, Venkata Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I am making some attempts to understand the DataBinding fwk and so shall
something here so that others will help me understand better.  My
if I have mentioned something outrageous as I am just about entering into
this discussion :)

- By employing the databinding interceptors we expect that when the data
comes into the JMS Target Invoker as payload, it is already transformed
ready to be dispatched.  Is that so?

- Why not do this transformation that is specific to the JMS Binding in
JMS Target invoker.    Can we not simply invoke the transformers or the
tranformer chain providing the source and target data types from within
invoker?  Why is it that we must do it as part of the DataBinding inceptor
in the middle of the invocation chain.?  Why not do it at the end of the
chain which is in the invoker and do this transformation explicitly?

There was an IRC chat and email thread related to this back in September:


I'm starting to think you may be right and it would be easier to have more
of this in the JMS binding itself, especially when looking at implementing
support for section 1.5.2 of the current JMS binding draft spec.


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