You are not providing any configuration to indicate the generated key.
BTW, Brent mentioned that this test case is covered by: GeneratedId.testInsert5()

Luciano Resende wrote:

So, i was trying to create a test case for :

Insert with no changed properties to row with generated ID (you could
duplicate the test above with Company since it has a generated ID)

public void testPartialReadInsertApplyWithGeneratedID() throws Exception {

       DAS das = DAS.FACTORY.createDAS(getConnection());
       // Read some customers
       Command select = das.createCommand("Select * from COMPANY");
       DataObject root = select.executeQuery();

       //Remember count
       int count = root.getList("COMPANY").size();

       // Create a new customer

       // Build apply changes command

       // verify insert
       root = select.executeQuery();
       assertEquals(count + 1, root.getList("COMPANY").size());


DAS is generating the following SQL :
insert into COMPANY(ID, NAME, EOTMID) values (?, ?, ?)

And it's causing the following exception
SQL Exception: Attempt to modify an identity column 'ID'.

My understanding is that, when IDs are automaticaly generated primary keys,
they should not be part of the INSERT statement.
Before I create a JIRA, I just want to make sure my understanding is right..

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