On 2/8/07, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

- To satisfy those requirements, is the intent to do that significant
work in branch and how will it be moved into trunk? Or, is it
intended that the work be done in trunk and rolled into branch?

In times like these, generally the intent is to do the work and then
to assess based on taking a look at the actual code what the best path
forward is.  Until that code is written, it is premature to speculate
what the outcome will be.

- If it is the latter, how is this any different than the process of
using Maven snapshots that we have already set up?

- If the goal is to do significant work in branch, what happens when
changes in trunk are incompatible with new work in the branch?

As I understand it, the goal is to do whatever it takes to get some
specific user scenarios working.  Whatever it takes generally includes

Given the discussion to date, I think that it is taken as a given that
some portion of the changes in the trunk will be incompatible with the
work done in this branch.  The only way to prevent this is to either
cease work on the trunk, continue to impede progress towards getting
these scenarios working, or a branch.

I'm all for people doing revolutions or blowing off steam but more
clarity and discussion about what is going on would be helpful for me.

Referring to this as "blowing off steam" is counter productive.
Getting the scenarios working is productive, even if only 85%, 65%, or
35% of the work ultimately ends up being reusable.

The other question I had is how this relates to the release process
others of us are working toward that was started back in January. I
think having this branch called the "next milestone" release is
confusing. I'm all for simultaneous release processes if that helps
ease friction or provides people what they need but what then do we
call the work going on in trunk? In keeping with our Italian theme
and the idea of blowing off smoke, maybe the branch can be tagged
"fumo" :-) Are there some precedents for this in other projects?

This I agree with.  Statements or nomenclature that imply any form of
succession cause friction.


- Sam Ruby

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