After getting up to date, I'm seeing:

c:\dev\pecl\sdo\commonj\sdo\sequenceimpl.h(344) : error C4716:
'commonj::sdo::SequenceImpl::seq_item::operator=' : must return a value
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"cl.exe"' : return code '0x2'

Now the code in question is
        // Copy assignment
         seq_item& operator=(const seq_item& sin)
            if (freeText)
               delete freeText;
            if (sin.freeText != 0)
               freeText = new SDOValue(*sin.freeText);

which indeed doesn't return a value. I'm just puzzled why this is only
happening to me. I would raise a JIRA, but it doesn't seem like a VC6
problem, and I can't see why else it would be different.


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