Yes, I think you are right about the registry where the
componentTypeProcessor is being ignored and not passed to the
contributionService. Let me see if I can find a quick solution...

On 4/11/07, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 4/11/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ant elder wrote:
> > I'm attempting the same thing just now for script components see [1].
> > Doesn't work yet, the .componentType file doesn't seem to get picked
> > Comments welcome...
> >
> >  ...ant
> >
> > [1]
> >
> >
> >
> Can you see a .componentType being loaded at all? Is
> ComponentTypeDocumentProcessor called to process .componentType
> documents in your SCA contribution? If not then maybe Luciano can jump
> in here and take a look as the processors are triggered by the
> Contribution service...

I'm still debugging and trying to understand how this should work so can't
articulate well whats going on yet..but so far it looks like in the
SimpleRuntimeImpl start method there are two artifact processor registries
created, and the one where the ComponentTypeProcessor is added to is not
one that processes the contribution so the .componentType side file is
ignored. Does that make any sense?


Luciano Resende

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