On 4/30/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ignacio Silva-Lepe wrote:
> I am curious about these samples. In particular, helloworld-ws
> defines a HelloWorldServer class with a main method that
> seems to be invocable as standalone.

Yes, it is invocable as standalone, it's a simple Java program with a
main method.

> Also, the pom uses
> the mvn jar plugin to create a jar. Is there a standalone
> environment that can be used to run the resulting jar, similar
> to the previous launcher.jar?

You don't need a special launcher anymore. The new launcher is called
java.exe :) you can run HelloWorldServer directly from the command line
with java.exe, or run it or debug it from an IDE like any other Java
program, without having to know about a special Tuscany launcher.

And fishing for feedback on the distribution discusssion [1]...

The current binary distribution attempts to make this easy:

1) in the java/sca/distribution folder run mvn

2) unzip java/sca/distribution/target/tuscany-

3) Open a cmd prompt to where you unzipped, change to the
samples\helloworld-ws folder and run the following:
java -cp target\tuscany-sample-helloworld-ws-1.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT.jar

4) Open another cmd prompt to where you unzipped, change to the
samples\helloworld-wsclient folder and run the following:
java -cp target\tuscany-
sca-manifest-1.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT.jar helloworld.HelloWorldClient



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