Venkata Krishnan wrote:

So here is a list of things that will be included for the 0.91 release.

- binding-ajax (has sample to demonstrate this)
- extension-helper (the scripting extensions demonstrate this)
- binding-ejb
- binding-feed (the bigbank demo uses this)
- implementation-resource   (the bigbank demo uses this)
- implementation-spring (no sample, no demos, but interesting to have and
hope Sebastien is able to contribute a sample for this).

As far as demos and samples are concerned I intend to include only the ones
that have READMEs.  So if you folks can help me fix READMEs for the ones
that need to be included and that don't have this, that will be very

Finally, may I request that any improvements or changes which any of you
wish to be a included in the release be done on the branch and then also
merged with the trunk immediately.  I hope we don't have large ones ;-).


I have added a sample showing how to use the implementation-resource extension under [1]. I can add merge it into the 0.91 branch in a day or two after people get a chance to review it if you think it's useful to have in the release. It doesn't have a README yet, I'll try to add one tomorrow.

I'm still working on a Spring sample as well, it will be a variation of the simple-bigbank sample.

[1] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/tuscany/java/sca/samples/web-resource/


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