
Myself and Manu have done some work (a small PoC) on Geronimo Tuscany
integration.  As a first step, we have created a plugin for Geronimo
that will let the user to deploy standalone tuscany modules into
Geronimo and use the deployed services by looking up in JNDI.  I have
put the code in Geronimo Sandbox at

Going forward, we have the following in mind:
A) Write a deploymentwatcher so that Tuscany modules can be bundled as
part of J2EE artifacts.
B) Extend the current deployer to enable Tuscany Modules deployed in
Geronimo to access resources like datasources from Geronimo

Some of the questions we have are:
1.  Should we use this plugin approach and host the plugin separatley
or intergrate Tuscany to be bundled as part of the Geronimo
2.  Should we have support for bundling Tuscany composites in WAR,
EJB-JAR and EAR?  Or should we provide for adding a separate Tuscany
module in EAR?
3.  Where should we maintain the integration code?

Your comments and suggestions will be very helpful in taking it further.

Thanks and best regards,

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