On 9/17/07, haleh mahbod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> The readme for this sample does not tell users how to run it. It has one
> line in the readme as follows:
> http://localhost:8080/sample-helloworld-ws-service-webapp/SCA/HelloWorldService?wsdl
> Is this suppose to be run with another sample? If yes, the readme needs to
> be updated.
> If not, do you think it should be removed from  the distribution?
> Not sure what this is about, otherwise I help fix it.
> Haleh

This is a hangover from  0.99. We just didn't get  round to  fixing up the
README. It's basically a standalone webapp . Very similar to
calculator-ws-webapp. If you are of a mind to construct a README that would
be splendid.



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