
Is there any reason why unlike CompositeModelResolver and
ConstrainingTypeModelResolver, ComponentTypeModelResolver does not look at
imported namespaces for resolving component type files?

My test case contains:
   ContributionA : contains a composite file, with a component C1
   ContributionB: contains the Java implementation classes for C1 (
x.y.C1.class), and the componentType file (x.y.C1.componentType)

The model resolver used to resolve the composite is associated with
ContributionA, and when implementation.java looks for the componentType
file using this model resolver, it does not find it, since it doesn't look
anywhere except in ContributionA.

Is this a valid test case, or should the componentType file always be in
ContributionA, along with the composite?

If the componentType file is allowed to be inside ContributionB (since
componentType file describes an implementation, I would have expected it to
be colocated with the implementation), what type of import/export statement
should be used in ContributionA? ContributionA contains <import.javapackage="
x.y"/> to find the implementation class x.y.C1. Should that be somehow used
to resolve the componentType file as well, or should there be another
namespace import specifically for the componentType file (<import

Thank you...



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