I've been playing with the Node2 impl a bit with a composite that has
policies in it and getting really confused. I've had a fun(?) day scratching
my head but I now realize that Node2 doesn't seem to run the piece of code
that executes the policy set "appliesTo" XPath expressions so that policy
sets get attached to the model in the correct way. I was going to look at
fixing it but then also realized that I don't quite understand how this
process can really work. I seems that it's set up so that...

1. CompositeDocumentProcessor.read()
  Apply all policy sets to the XML model using the "appliesTo" XPATH
2. XYZ.read()
  read "requires" intents
  read "policSets" policy sets
3. CompositeProcesor.resolve()
  Inherit specified intents from composite to component
  Inherit specificed policy sets from composite to component
  Inhetit applicable policy sets from composite to component
  Resolve the polcy sets between the implementation and component
4. Build
  Shuffle all the intents/policy sets around to complete the set for each
implementation and binding

The fly in this particular ointment is that it's not until stage 4 that some
of the model artifacts are constructed, for example, binding.sca when it's
not specified. This is far too late (or stage 1 is far too early) to pick up
any of the "appliesTo" policy sets so you just end up with parts of the
model without the correct policy configuration.

It's quite likely that I'm missing something in this process. Can someone
put me straight?


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