Hi Everyone,

I was doing a clean install of the trunk code (revision 668339), and the artifact "com.sun:tools:jar:1.5.0" in the interface-java-jaxws module could not be resolved.

According to [1], in Mac OS X, tools.jar does not exist. The analog of tools.jar in OS X is actually called classes.jar.

Therefore, in the /java/sca/modules/interface-java-jaxws/pom.xml file, the following line does not work in OS X:


Instead, this line must be replaced with the following:


Changing the com.sun.tools artifact in the pom.xml file as follows:


After this change, I was able to successfully build the trunk code.

I am using Mac OS X 10.5.2, and JVM 1.5.0_13.

Should I raise a JIRA about this, or is it a known issue?

Chris Trezzo

[1] http://stonescape.net/roller/xtian/date/20070113

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