Hi Luciano,

I havn't had much time to go into this in depth, but here are some
things I notice:

1) I think you're aware of this, but STATUS.txt is outdated and
CHANGES.txt just has "TODO" in it

2) We don't have any good "first steps" documentation (or any
documentation for that matter :) )  Not sure how much we need to
provide here, but there should be something. For the samples
distribution we should certainly have some information on required
setup such as adding the data source to the tomcat config.

3) The binary distribution doesn't include the test suite, but it does
include the Customer and Company SDO Types that are generated during
the build for use in our test suite. Hopefully there's a good way to
remove these from the distribution (we still need the Config types
which are also generated but are part of the runtime.)

4) It seems like it would make more sense for the WAR file in our
samples distribution to either be in the top level directory or in
WEB-INF/lib instead of bin


On 10/2/06, Luciano Resende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The DAS Java M2 Release Candidate is available at :


What's new in DAS Java M2

  DAS Core features

     - MySQL support
     - Static Data Objects
     - Dynamic root for static graphs
     - "Unique" attribute on relationships
     - Explicit ResultSet shape definition
     - Improved logging
     - Programmatic Configuration
     - Helper for empty SDO Graph
     - Convention over configuration
        - Column named "ID" is the PK
        - Column named "xxx_ID" is the FK to table "xxx"

  DAS Samples
     - Tomcat integration and automated DAS samples testing (htmlUnit)
     - DAS Samples now have all dependencies and source code inside the
sample war

  For detailed user documentation and feature descriptions, access Tuscany
DAS Wiki page

Please take a look at it and provide your feedback.

Luciano Resende

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