Hey Luciano,

Just took a quick look at this. I havn't gone through and tried to run
anything yet but I did notice a few things (I can look into fixing
some of these later.)

1) The RC2 files are named M2-SNAPSHOT rather than M2-RC2.. Not really
a big deal but we should maintain consistency here.

2) The appendix in the readme.htm is out of date. It mentions some
file locations for step 4, but there is no longer a step 4 and the
locations are irrelevant now that we don't need to copy these files.

3) STATUS.txt still looks out of date.. The version at
http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/tuscany/STATUS has a full
list of committers but this one does not

4) Should the sample webapp include the derby jar? It seems reasonable
since we are including SDO, EMF, etc. It would be nice if we didn't
require users to copy this over.

5) Did we decide against changing the sample location from "bin" to
something else? Does anyone else have an opinion on where this should
go? "bin" seems like a place for executables and scripts, not a war


On 10/11/06, Luciano Resende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The DAS Java M2 Release Candidate is available at :


Changes from DAS Java M2 - RC1

  I have addressed most of issues from the feedback you guys gave me on
RC1, see thread below :


What's new in DAS Java M2

  DAS Core features

     - MySQL support
     - Static Data Objects
     - Dynamic root for static graphs
     - "Unique" attribute on relationships
     - Explicit ResultSet shape definition
     - Improved logging
     - Programmatic Configuration
     - Helper for empty SDO Graph
     - Convention over configuration
        - Column named "ID" is the PK
        - Column named "xxx_ID" is the FK to table "xxx"

  DAS Samples
     - Tomcat integration and automated DAS samples testing (htmlUnit)
     - DAS Samples now have all dependencies and source code inside the
sample war

  For detailed user documentation and feature descriptions, access Tuscany
DAS Wiki page

Please take a look at it and provide your feedback.

Luciano Resende

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