Hi Andrej,
  Thanks for your notes. I think from your other thread you are sorted with
regards to this issue now.  Is that right?
Regards, Kelvin.

On 31/12/2007, Andrej Koelewijn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create some test programs with sdo, and one of the tests is
> that i create a datagraph using dynamic dataobjects (defined using an
> xsd),
> save the datagraph and then try to load it using static dataobjects.
> How do i redefine/reregister dataobjects? If i first define  the dynamic
> types like:
>         URL url =
>             getClass().getResource("/nl/iteye/sdoexamples/Customer.xsd");
>         XSDHelper.INSTANCE.define(url.openStream(), url.toString());
> And later reregister the same types, but static generated from the same
> xsd:
>         HelperContext scope = HelperProvider.getDefaultContext();
>         StaticSdoFactory.INSTANCE.register(scope);
> I get ClassCastExceptions when using the static types:
>         java.lang.ClassCastException:
> org.apache.tuscany.sdo.impl.DynamicDataObjectImpl cannot be cast to
> nl.iteye.sdoexamples.ex2.Customers
> Is it possible to clear all type definitions?
> Thanks,
> Andrej

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