Matthew Peters wrote:
Thanks for the encouragement, all. I'll let you know how I get on.

This probably off topic for this list, but the choice between <implementation.web> and <implementation.servlet> is an interesting one. The page Jean-Sebastien refers to says that <implementation.web> is the current thinking, but <implementation.servlet> has its virtues too. It rather depends on whether you want the detail of the individual servlets exposed for configuration - would you want per servlet aspects like the servlet init parameters exposed as SCA properties for example? If you did, you might like something like
<implementation.servlet name="<warfilename>#<servletname>">
   <property name="currency">EURO</property>
In this case you could present currency to the servlet as a servlet init parameter.

This properly a topic for the place in OSOA where the SCA-JEE integration is discussed, of course, and I raised it as an issue there recently, though it has not been discussed yet.
Matthew Peters

Makes a lot of sense to me.

Both implementation.web and implementation.servlet are interesting:

- implementation.web models the contracts around a webapp and helps assemble a webapp with others in a bigger SCA assembly.

- implementation.servlet can model the assembly of the webapp itself.


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