Hi Kelvin, let me clarify.

The schemas used to generate the (static SDO) classes
all have their own targetnamespaces. E.g.:
<schema targetNamespace="http://abc.com/Sample";>
<element name="Input" type="MyType"/>
<complexType name="MyType">

I convert an sdo object to XML this way:
MyType mySdo = …
HelperContext hc = HelperProvider.getDefaultContext();
XMLDocument xmldoc =
null, "Input");
hc.getXMLHelper().save(xmldoc, os, options);

When I pass null as rootElementUri as shown above,
then the targetNamespace as defined in the schema is
used in the produced XML.
Does the tuscany/emf code internally behave different
with regard to potential concurrency problems, if the
targetnamespace defined in the schema is explicitly
passed as rootElementUri argument?

Regards, Daniel.

--- kelvin goodson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> So I think this is to do with the fact that you are
> not specifying a target
> namspace in the schema used to generate the classes.
>  I see from the
> tools-test test case that uses the simpleNoTns.xsd
> schema,  that the
> namespace URI for the generated artifacts is in fact
> the URI of the schema
> file on disk (not null or "").  So the global
> property created in the
> generated java won't be found with the lookup of
> (ns=null, name=Input) when
> calling XMLHelper.createDocument(dob, ns, name), 
> hence the demand creation
> of the global property.  Are you constrained to
> using a schema with no
> target namespace?  If you had a namespace in your
> schema,  and used it in
> the call to createDocument() then the underlying
> code would pick up the
> global property instance that is created by the
> generated factory,  and you
> would then never hit this concurrency issue.
> Kelvin.

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