
Let's assume you have a service exposed over feed binding as follows:

<component name="...">
   <implementation.java class="test.MyServiceImpl"/>
   <service name="...">
       <tuscany:binding.rss uri="http://localhost:8083/rssAggregator"/>

Do you expect that your component impl "test.MyServiceImpl" gets the parameters from the URL and provide functions based on the parameters? For example, http://localhost:8083/rssAggregator?p1=v1&p2=v2, are you looking for a way to make p1 and p2 available to test.MyServiceImpl?

From: "Skip Schuler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 3:49 PM
To: "tuscany-user" <tuscany-user@ws.apache.org>
Subject: Passing URL parameters to a feed component?


I have some data I want to expose as a feed (atom/rss). I've seen the
feed-aggregator-sample, and it works great. Here's my question:

How can I pass a URL parameter to my feed implementation? I'd like to adapt the feed based on some URL parameter, but am a bit unsure how to best access
it from inside the feed component.


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